On the momentous occasion of the centennial of the Communist Party of Belgium (PCB), the membership of the Communist Party USA extends our congratulations to the membership and leadership of the PCB.
Both CPUSA and the PCB are 100-year-old parties, rooted in the 3rd International. The long historic relationship between our two parties is one that has always kept the working class and international proletarianism at its center. We are confident in the strong future of the PCB as it continues along the principled path of Marxism-Leninism and fights for the working class of Belgium. While both of our Parties have each suffered their own respective setbacks over the last century, today we struggle side by side against the exploitation of the capitalist class.
Both of our countries are under a continuous threat of a rising fascist front. Both of our countries have popular, right-wing, xenophobic, anti-communist parties against which we must continuously battle. This is both true for Belgium itself, as well as for the European Union at large. Far right governments across Europe seek to vilify and stamp out communists in all corners of the continent. Our two Parties must stand together in solidarity against this threat. As Lenin once said, “capital is an international force. To vanquish It an international worker’s alliance, an international worker’s brotherhood, is needed.”
Long live the Communist Party of Belgium!
Long live Communist internationalism!
Alvaro Rodriguez
International Secretary of the Communist Party USA on behalf of the co-leaders of the CPUSA, Rossana Cambron and Joe Sims