The Communist Party USA Congratulates the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) on its 2nd Party Congress on November 12-14, 2021 named the Centennial Congress in honor of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Spain as the Spanish Section of the Communist International.
Communists in the United States and Spain share a long history of solidarity and struggle. US Solidarity with the PCE and Spanish Republic was sealed for eternity with the blood spilled together by soldiers of the Republican Army and the Abraham Lincoln Battalion in its three companies of US volunteers organized in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. The Battalion was part of the advanced guard to defeat international fascism as part of the XV International Brigade.
Our common history also involves our commitment as Communists to overcome the legacy of US intervention and Spanish colonialism in the Americas and Caribbean involving the subjugation of African and indigenous peoples for the benefit of Iberian and US colonial takings and world capitalist exploitation of workers, peasants, and enslaved people. At the present time, our shared solidarity calls on us to support the ongoing achievements of the Cuban Revolution, decrying the criminal US economic blockade against the Republic of Cuba and its population, and supporting the advance of socialism on the island. We also join in opposing all manner of US intervention in Cuba and all other nations of Latin America and the Caribbean. We affirm their sovereign rights to self-determination without interference from outside powers.
The world has faced great health and economic challenges since the onset of the devastating Covid-19 virus pandemic in early 2020. The pandemic and attendant economic and social effects have created many challenges as in most capitalist countries, class inequalities have deepened with larger numbers of working class and low-income populations losing access to employment, housing, and health care. And disproportionately, too many in the working class, have been severely disabled by the Covid-19 virus. Indeed, too many workers and their families have even lost their lives due to the ravages of this horrible disease and its variants. We understand that the US and Spain are no exception to these trends. We seek to build a better society from the devastation wrought by the pandemic upon the international working class.
All members of the CPUSA stand in solidarity with our comrades in the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain as we face together the challenges of class exploitation and worldwide pandemic, and as they prepare for their 2nd Party Congress. We look forward to a future working together in solidarity to build socialism and a better world.
Long Live Communist Internationalism!
Communist Party of the United States of America
International Secretary CPUSA Álvaro Rodríguez on behalf of the CPUSA Co-leadership – Joe Sims and Rossana Cambron