Red World Review is the publication of the International Department of the Communist Party USA.
The Communist Party USA (often called CPUSA) is a Marxist-Leninist Party, founded in 1919 as part of the 3rd International. In that role, we champion the American working class, while also remaining staunch proletarian internationalists. To paraphrase Lenin, in order to defeat the international capitalist class, the working class must be internationalist as well.
CPUSA is the only political party in the United States to be a member of the International Meeting of Communist and Worker’s Parties (IMCWP), which is the world’s largest meeting of Communist Parties. The IMCWP has over 100 million members worldwide and is part of an international network that includes trade unions, women’s organizations, student organizations, and peace organizations
Every successful socialist movement has been led by Communists. The governing Communist Parties of all five socialist countries are members of the IMCWP. The CPUSA International Department maintains a comradely relationship with these governing Communist Parties based on our shared goals of building socialism, internationalism, combating imperialism and defeating capitalism.
The role of the CPUSA International Department is as follows:
- To study and analyze international events
- To raise internationalist and anti-imperialist consciousness both inside and outside the party
- To coordinate actions of solidarity with our fraternal parties and allies across the globe
For more information on CPUSA, click here.
Otherwise visit the CPUSA main website at
For more information on the IMCWP, click here.
International Department
The International Department is composed of several committees with different responsibilities.

Each of these committees is composed of working-groups which focus on specific responsibilities or projects.
Do you have skills that would benefit the International Department? If you’re passionate about internationalism and the world communist movement, sign up today!