The Communist Party USA extends our fraternal greetings to you on the occasion of your 15th Congress and in anticipation of the PCdoB’s March 25 centenary.
In your Party’s nearly one hundred years of struggle, you have exemplified for the world communist movement a robust dialectic between theory and practice. Your analysis, ever sensitive to workers’ material conditions and the contemporary balance of forces, determined that you did not hesitate to rebel when required against the government (e.g., the Guerrilha do Araguaia) nor, when appropriate, to forge alliances within the government against decades of neoliberalism and the now rising international tide of fascism (e.g., the Coligação Com a Força do Povo).
As a Party committed to decisive action guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism, the PCdoB has been an example to the world of heroism in the shedding of blood for socialism and democracy and in your readiness to rapidly shift strategy and tactics as circumstances warrant. You regularly combat Brazil’s longstanding reactionary forces who attempt to foster among the people a nostalgia for the chains of their ancestors.
The PCdoB stands in staunch opposition to the current Bolsonaro regime whose inhumanity has allowed Covid-19 to rage in particular among indigenous Brazilians while that same monster plots to weaken the Constitution in bathetic imitation of his deposed role model to the north.
Your Party’s internationalism is reflected clearly in word and deed. You continue to support the Bolivarian Revolution against the forces of American imperialism. You have stood up for workers from Georgia to Palestine and beyond.
May the spirit and legacy of the late Comrade Wagner Gomes inform all your deliberations at the Congress to help ensure that the Partido Comunista do Brasil continues to provide vanguard leadership for Brazilian workers and for all communists throughout the world.
Long Live Communist Internationalism! Long Live the Partido Comunista do Brasil!
Alvaro Rodriguez
International Secretary of the Communist Party USA on behalf of the co-leaders of the CPUSA, Rossana Cambron and Joe Sims