Beyond the conflict in Ukraine

Author: Ernesto Estévez Rams |

This article was originally published in Granma on March 4th

Beyond the events that led to the current fighting, what we are seeing, once again, is a war in which the casualties are suffered in countries labeled as peripheral by world powers

We are living the last battle of the capitalist West struggling to sustain the world hegemony it has maintained since its colonial conquest of Asia, Africa and the New World. We are seeing the emergence of other powers unwilling to accept this imposed order. A majority of the world, with a colonial past, is pushing for a planet that is not the battlefield for wars started by others.
This is a very dangerous moment for humanity. We have been in an unnamed third world war for a long time. We face a historical watershed, one that will determine what comes next. We must overcome the current state of affairs, a unipolar reality based on U.S. extortion and that of its allies, obliging the rest of accept their domination, a situation that is simply unsustainable and suicidal for all.
It is increasingly evident that the only way out for humanity is to defeat hegemonic, imperialist capitalism. The battle for peace is a necessity, if we are to have time to build a better world for all.
Nothing taking place in Ukraine should make anyone happy. Beyond the events that led to the current fighting, what we see, once again, is a war in which the casualties are suffered in countries labeled as peripheral by world powers.
In the Western capitalist hegemonic world, every act of war is portrayed in isolation and not in conjunction with others. The division of Yugoslavia, the secession of Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, ISIS, Syria, Pakistan, Palestine, Libya and Yemen all have something in common: the U.S. and NATO.
For each of these events, the ideological machinery of “NATO” imperialism created a narrative where the culprit, the aggressor, was someone else.
Let us not deceive ourselves, without justifying aggression that could have been avoided, and I am convinced that the current war was avoidable, this latest episode is one more in imperial NATO efforts to detain the loss of its hegemony in a world that is increasingly ungovernable.
As relevant as ever are Fidel’s words, when he said: “Eliminate the philosophy of plunder, and the philosophy of war will disappear.”