Statement From the CP-Peru: Reject Repression

The following is a statement from the Communist Party of Peru

Agriculture has been abandoned due to the inefficiency of the Otorola cabinet

♦️ According to Eduardo Zegarra, an economist specializing in Agricultural issues, in addition to political crises, this is aggravated by the inaction of a government which has abandoned family farmers.

♦️ Pablo Zapata of the Communist Party of Peru denounces the persecution and intimidation of leaders, especially of the Workers’ General Confederation of Peru, with protesters being imprisoned for up to 36 months.

♦️ A leader of the Communist Party USA, Andrés Jiménez, expresses solidarity on behalf of the American people who reject repression in Peru.



Abandono de agricultura por ineficacia de gabinete Otarola

♦️ Para el especialista en tema agrarios, Eduardo Zegarra, además de las crisis política ésta se agraba por la inacción del gobierno abandona la agricultura familiar.

♦️ Pablo Zapata del PCP denuncia la persecución e intimidación a los dirigentes sobre todo de la CGTP donde se da prisión efectiva hasta por 36 meses a manifestantes.

♦️ El dirigente del PC USA, Andrés Jiménez expresa solidaridad en nombre del pueblo norteamericano que rechaza represión en Perú.

