The Communist Party USA unequivocally condemns the attempted fascist, January 6-style coup on Brazilian democracy on Sunday when 3,000 Bolsonaro supporters descended upon the Brazilian Congress, Supreme Court, and Presidential Palace. President Lula da Silva issued a decree to clear the government buildings: “Those people we call fascists invaded the Three Powers. All these people will be found and will be punished.”
Nearly two years ago to this day, the US Capitol was attacked by fascist far-right forces. Unfortunately, we now see similar fascist movements abroad attempt to do the same in Brazil to restore Bolsonaro, a staunch ally of former president Donald Trump. The membership of the Communist Party USA stands in solidarity with the democratically elected government of President Lula da Silva and the millions of Brazilians who voted for him.
For years, Bolsonaro spread anti-democratic rhetoric and sowed doubt about the integrity of Brazil’s election system, hinting that he would refuse to step down if he lost the election. After losing the election, former President Jair Bolsonaro refused to concede and made baseless claims of electoral weaknesses that incited a violent movement of election deniers. Bolsonaro supporters have since protested relentlessly, echoing Bolsonaro’s claims of election fraud and demanding that the armed forces intervene to coup the newly elected government.
Bolsonaro left Brazil before the inauguration of President Lula and currently resides in Florida as Brazil faces a democratic crisis that he cultivated. Bolsonaro’s Florida trip insulates him from any immediate legal jeopardy related to his anti-democratic rhetoric after losing his presidential immunity.
President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have made statements condemning Brazil’s coup attempt. However, it is not enough for the United States to condemn the violent attacks on Brazilian democracy while harboring the criminal responsible for the coup attempt. Therefore, the Communist Party USA calls on the United States to cease granting refuge to Bolsonaro in Florida so that he may return to Brazil, where he will answer to the Brazilian people for his crimes against their country.
This coup attempt in Brazil continues the anti-democratic push against the growing left tide across Latin America. It is a last-ditch effort on the part of neoliberal imperialism to rescue itself from crisis. To stand in solidarity with the peoples’ movements across the Americas, we must mobilize decisively against neoliberalism and fight against the fascist assault on democracy at home and abroad.