It is with profound sorrow that we in the Communist Party USA learned of the death of comrade Chris “Che” Matlhako.
Comrade Chris was a gigantic figure not only in the SACP and the South African workers’ movement. He also made major contributions to the struggle against imperialism through your party, through the Solidnet Working Group and in many other ways. He was a true friend of all the struggling workers and oppressed people worldwide.
We in the Communist Party USA knew comrade Chris very well and were always enlightened and inspired by our many interactions with him. His erudition, good humor and fighting spirit will remain with us in the Communist Party USA always. Our only consolation on the occasion of his passing is that we know that his example will inspire new generations of fighters for socialism, in South Africa and far beyond.
We send our condolences and solidarity to the members of the South African Communist Party, the toiling masses of South Africa and to the family and friends of our great friend Chris Matlhako.
Chris “Che” Matlhako, presente!
Alvaro Rodriguez
International Secretary of Communist Party USA
In the name of CPUSA Co-Chairs Joe Sims and Rossana Cambron