The following is a statement from the Communist Party of Peru
PCP Holds a National Conference to Change Peru Together
♦️ At a time when the political crisis deepens for parties acting as political surrogates for powerful interests, the PCP reaffirms its commitment to strengthen itself within the trade union, peasant and popular movement in order to defeat fascism through unity and build a democratic society with social justice, says MARCELINO PAUCAR, National Organizational Secretary of the PCP, the party of Mariátegui.
PCP Realiza Conferencia Nacional Para Juntos Cambiar El Perú
♦️ En momentos que la crisis política se profundiza con partidos vientres de alquiler, el PCP, levanta su compromiso de fortalecerse en el seno del movimiento sindical, campesino y popular para derrotar al fascismo en unidad y construir una sociedad democrática con justicia social, afirma MARCELINO PAUCAR, Secretario Nacional de Organización del PCP, el partido de Mariátegui.