On 2 December, 2015, construction officially began on the Vientiane-Boten Railway, a flagship high-speed rail project of the new Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Kerala is an Indian state referred to by citizens of that country as a place of inherent natural beauty. Some 35 million people live in this territory in the south of the subcontinent. To get an idea, one only has to realize that more people live in Kerala than in Venezuela or in all the…
We need your help to increase international solidarity!We need your help to strengthen the peace movement in this country!We need your help in the anti-imperialist movement!
Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives, has escalated the “neo cold war” launched by U.S. imperialism against The People’s Republic of China This is a significant threat to world peace. Although the U.S. accepted the One China Policy when it ended its veto to the PRC’s seating in the UN and later formally…
With the conditions ripening and with the contradictions of capitalism causing it to decay in the United States ever so rapidly, the time is now to rise up to create real material change for the working class.
Like the United States, Cuba is currently engaged in a nationwide debate over LGBTQ+, women’s, and reproductive rights. But unlike in the US, where these decisions are made by a few unelected Supreme Court theocrats, Cuba’s process is grassroots and democratic
We call upon the Biden Administration to stop fueling the fire and prolonging the war bysending billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to Ukraine. It is time for these funds to be spenton critically-ignored human needs instead of waging imperialist wars against other nations.
An interview with Daniel Jadue, Communist mayor of Recoleta Municipality in Santiago, Chile
No love is lost between Latin America’s left-wing governments and the US, which has waged economic warfare on them while supporting violent regime-change efforts by opposition forces
A statement by the Communist Party of Chile demanding liberty for journalist Julian Assange and saying No to Extradition.