The membership of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) would like to wish the Lao people and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) congratulations on the 46th National Day of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR)!
The LPDR is a true example of a revolutionary country. Lead by the LPRP, Lao has consistently stayed on the Marxist-Leninist Path of building socialism for their people and their country. Despite all the difficulties hoisted on to the Lao people, they have never faltered and never wavered. Throughout the COVID-19 global pandemic, the LPDR has continuously put the health and lives of their citizens above all else. The LPDR is an example of true internationalists country. The continuous solidarity between Laos and their socialist neighbors, inspires Communists around the world.
Our two people are forever tied together. It is because of the United States imperialist government that LPDR holds the horrific distinction of the most bombed country on earth. While the LPRP lead Lao in their successful resistance to United States imperialism, we in the CPUSA have always stood in solidarity with our comrades in the LPDR. May our two Parties and our two peoples be able to work together to build socialism and a better future for all people everywhere.
Long live the Lao People’s Democratic Republic!
Long live Communist internationalism!
Alvaro Rodriguez
International Secretary of the Communist Party USA on behalf of the co-leaders of the CPUSA, Rossana Cambron and Joe Sims