By Callum Wilson The Hundred Flowers Garden “A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.” From an ocean-blue background, the Communist Party of China zoomed into an online meeting titled CPC dialogue between political parties with the theme being modernization on March 15th. It…
By Thomas Dolusic The United States’ interference in the People’s Republic of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan is rooted, like many other things, in the beginning of the Cold War. Beginning in the 1950’s, the United States eschewed the multilateral system it was building in Europe and sought to project its influence in a series of…
By Peter Moreau The United States and other nations throughout the imperial core are the major contributors towards nuclear proliferation. Second only to the climate crisis, nuclear proliferation is the largest danger to humanity and Earth. There are nuanced discussions to be had about the possession of nuclear weapons that extend beyond the blanket statement…
The following is a statement from the Communist Party of Peru Agriculture has been abandoned due to the inefficiency of the Otorola cabinet ♦️ According to Eduardo Zegarra, an economist specializing in Agricultural issues, in addition to political crises, this is aggravated by the inaction of a government which has abandoned family farmers. ♦️ Pablo…
By: Wawen Ewimbi Introduction Entering adulthood alongside the dwindling of 2020 uprisings for Black liberation (that I had naively seen as the beginning of the end), I felt very stuck. Understanding I am a poor queer Black woman, I saw myself facing a world where the options presented for survival were dehumanizing at best, and…
A delegation of youth from the United States observed Cuba’s November 2022 municipal elections and offer an inside look into a true people’s democracy, where workers decide who will govern them, not wealthy oligarchs and corporations.
December 2nd, 2022 marks the 47th anniversary of the founding of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
In Memory of President Jiang Zemin
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam will not be coerced into joining the United States-led effort aimed at isolating China and provoking conflict as part of its Cold War 2.0 foreign policy.